London KY Weekly Hymns

Hymns This Week
093 When Israel Out Of Egypt Went (DWA) Dwight W. Armstrong Psalm 114
104 Be Not Afraid My People Sonia J. King Psalm 118:4-6; 121:1-8; Isa 54:10 John 14:3; Rom 8:31; Heb 13:6
176 For the Beauty of the Earth Conrad Kocher Gen 1:31; Rom 12:1; 1 Tim 2:8; Heb 13:15; James 1:17
013 Now Thank We All Our God Catherine Winkworth - Johann Cruger 1 Chr 29:13; Psm 5:11; 84:11; 2 Cor 4:15; 9:8; Heb 10:12; Jam 1:17; Rev 4:8
008 On The Sabbath Day Mark Graham Exo 20; Exo 31; Lev 23; Isa 29; Heb 4; Heb 6; Heb 13;
175 Ill Never Leave You Ross Jutsum Matt 10